Set to main for mainnet, test for testnet, and regtest for regtest
If generation was enabled since the last time this node was restarted, this is the size in bytes of the last block built by this node for header hash checking. Otherwise, the value 0
If generation was enabled since the last time this node was restarted, this is the number of transactions in the last block built by this node for header hash checking. Otherwise, this is the value 0
If generation was enabled since the last time this node was restarted, this is the difficulty of the highest-height block in the local best block chain. Otherwise, this is the value 0
A plain-text description of any errors this node has encountered or detected. If there are no errors, an empty string will be returned. This is not related to the JSON-RPC error field.
Set to true if generation is currently enabled; set to false if generation is currently disabled. Only returned if the node has wallet support enabled Removed in Bitcoin Core 0.13.0
The processor limit for generation (-1 if no generation - see getgenerate or setgenerate calls). Removed in Bitcoin Core 0.13.0
An estimate of the number of hashes per second the network is generating to maintain the current difficulty. See the getnetworkhashps RPC for configurable access to this data
Set to true if this node is running on testnet. Set to false if this node is on mainnet or a regtest Removed in Bitcoin Core 0.14.0
Generated using TypeDoc
The height of the highest block on the local best block chain